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Events News
Simulation platforms for Research – Experts Series
Simulation platforms for research are being used to help students develop investigative skills and test new ideas and methodologies in a controlled and dynamic environment.
17 March 2023/by Katherine Events News
Innovations in Medical Education
Innovations in medical education and technology are happening around us all the time but how are they impacting current students? Here's what these students shared about their experiences.
14 February 2023/by Katherine News
Top 25 Healthcare Technology Leaders
CyberPatient CEO and Founder named Top 25 Healthcare Technology Leaders
12 January 2023/by Katherine News
Year in Review 2022
A look back 2022's wins and achievements for the CyberPatient team.
6 January 2023/by Katherine News
The Role of Virtual Simulation in Patient Safety
The use of virtual technology can be highly effective in reducing medical errors.
30 November 2022/by Katherine News
Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare:
Discussion time with Students Network Organization - Using Virtual Patients in Medical Education!
9 November 2022/by Katherine News
Data-Driven Trial for Institutions
Virtual simulation in medical education is on the rise. Experience CyberPatient's impact by participating in a customized data-driven trial.
27 October 2022/by Katherine Research
Experiental Learning in A Virtual Hospital
Experiental learning in CyberPatients virtual hospital enhances the student learning experience and promotes confidence.
6 October 2022/by Katherine Research
Game-based vs. Case-based Training
Nurses play an active role in disaster response, and the ability of nurses to appropriately apply management principles during large-scale disasters or mass casualty incidents is of critical importance.
26 September 2022/by Katherine